Invest in the Berkshire Hathaway of the internet age

Re-investing the profits from its insurance business into quality American companies has lifted shares in Warren Buffett’s conglomerate 44-fold since 1990. Today, there is a tech giant aiming to replicate that strategy by investing the profits from its highly cash generative platform into the most exciting companies of the future. If it can prove anywhere near as successful as Berkshire Hathaway, its shares have got a lot further to climb.
Not many companies have created a service that's so successful it becomes a verb. In 2019, an estimated 63,000 of us ‘google’ something every second. That equates to 5.6bn searches per day, which helped Google generate $32.6bn (£26.3bn) in advertising revenue in the three months to June 2019 – 16% higher than the previous year.
But for all its global ubiquity, the Google advertising model has faced plenty of negative press, with the critics gaining spirit…
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