Why is this stock so cheap?

A small cap covered here is one of the cheapest stocks we have come across, but there are certain issues to be aware of, as you can discover in our assessment here. Another high yielder covered here has issued a reassuring trading update, while one of our Stonking Small cap opportunities is also trading well as is one of AIM’s English wine producers. Read on here for our forthright opinion on this and other news. (Premium)
It’s still a very small company, but Gusbourne (AIM: GUS), the premium English sparkling wine producer, appears to be trading well.
Its UK wine sales rose c.17% to c.£5.0m in the year to the end of December while total net revenue is expected to be up by c.13% to c.£7.1m, reflecting decent sales growth across its main sales channels.
While most of the growth was driven by its cellar door operations…
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