What’s the point!

Our frustration with the reporting of ‘fairy tale’ adjusted EBITDA is now been extended to the subject of free cash flow. One company covered here conveniently excludes significant real cash payments in its interpretation of this key financial measure while another makes no mention of any key financial measures at all in the headlines to its results. There seems little point in statutory reporting if companies are simply going to present what they like - things need to change! Elsewhere, we are more encouraged by news of an interesting acquisition for a retailer of cakes. Read on here for our usual forthright views on this and other news.
Main market mover
Wealth manager Brooks Macdonald (AIM:BRK) has confirmed that it will be moving from AIM to the Main Market on 28th March. The last day of trading of its shares on AIM is therefore expected to be 27 March 2025. Given its relatively small size (Market cap £230m), we wonder why it’s bothering to move.
Those holding the shares with an eye on the IHT reliefs should therefore be mindful…
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