Naked ambition | Sigma soars | AIM IPOs

Full year results from online wine retailer Naked Wines feature plenty of marketing spiel, but we remain unconvinced on the outlook for meaningful profitability. Elsewhere our long-term favourite Sigma Capital is being acquired for a healthy premium, resulting in a c2,800% return since we first started covering the shares back in 2012. Read on more on this and recent newcomers to AIM.
Naked Wines: plenty of sales, but losses mount and are winemakers really benefitting as suggested?
Online wine retailer Naked Wines (LON:WINE) reported strong sales growth for its financial year ending 29 March 2021. Unfortunately, the route to profitability is continuing to prove more challenging as marketing expenditure soars. We also question whether customer deposits are really being advanced to winemakers, as the marketing language leads us to believe.
Group sales in the year…
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