Realms of ruin | Renewed vigour

Results and updates covered here include a promising trading update from one of AIM’s older citizens, while a reassuring update from another unloved company lifts its shares. Unfortunately, the week also kicked-off with another profit warning from the video-gaming world; is there now a buying opportunity? Read on here for our thoughts on this and other news. (Premium)
Another week and another profit warning from the gaming sector
Shares in Frontier Developments (AIM: FDEV), the Cambridge-based developer of videogames, tumbled following another profit warning. Could now be the time to buy into this fallen star? We offer our thoughts below.
Earlier in November Frontier released its much-anticipated real-time strategy game, Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin. Despite having received mostly positive reviews from game critics and players, sales to date have…
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