Modestly valued | Bonkers Bargain update | Cash flow

It’s all about the free cash flow for several companies covered here, although in one instance management’s calculation of this differs significantly from our own. In a highly supportive market for its core activities, one of AIM’s corporate undertakers is also performing well, but cash flow is also the thing to focus on with this business, as we consider here. (Premium)
Remember to use our updated AIMsearch tool from the link here to discover which AIM companies benefit from the valuable Inheritance Tax reliefs.
Client portfolios managed by our associates, Fundamental Asset Management, may hold shares in companies covered here.
H&T: pledge book is still growing
H&T Group (AIM:HAT), the UK's largest pawnbroker and a leading retailer of high quality new and pre-owned jewellery and watches, updated on trading for the…
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