Big dividend | Simplification needed | Zesty returns

Our update here includes our assessment of results from an AIM company operating in the currently challenged construction materials sector, which is rewarding shareholders with an attractive dividend. Elsewhere, the transformation of a high-profile advertising group, hopefully into something much simpler, continues. Read on here for our thoughts on this and other news including the latest update from a popular manufacturer of natural extracts and ingredients. (Premium)
Remember to use our updated AIMsearch tool from the link here to discover which AIM companies benefit from the valuable Inheritance Tax reliefs.
Client portfolios managed by our associates, Fundamental Asset Management, may hold shares in companies covered here.
Epwin: looking cheap and a big dividend
Epwin Group (AIM: EPWN), the manufacturer of energy efficient and low maintenance building products (notably windows and doors), announced decent full year results in a challenging year for the…
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